Soundboard: Charlottesville’s news straight from the source


A collaborative local news radio program by


91.1 FM


Charlottesville Tomorrow

, and

C-Ville Weekly


Each Friday from 4-5 PM, tune in to hear area journalists and guests discuss local news, culture, and community issues in the Charlottesville area. Whether we’re talking about city politics, scientific innovations, or the local music scene, you’ll get to hear in-depth discussion about stories that matter.


is co-hosted by WTJU’s

Lewis Reining

and Charlottesville Tomorrow’s

Jennifer Marley


Podcasts may be downloaded from this website,

via RSS

, and

via Charlottesville Tomorrow on iTunes


Listen using player above or download the podcast:

Download 20120608-Soundboard

The June 8 show features contributors

Graelyn Brashear


Laura Ingles

(from C-Ville Weekly) and

Sean Tubbs

(Charlottesville Tomorrow) discussing:

Soundboard is produced by Robert Packard and Nathan Moore. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to your feedback!


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